Friday, December 6, 2019

Sub-Timeline 2a: Conservative Deductions/Conclusions Thus Far

Video Explanation Below

As I have stated I am not interested in providing any conclusions beyond what can be deduced from fact.  This is an important distinction and is different from other approaches I have heard about thus far.  What is different is that I am not looking to prove or disprove a story -- we are only at the point in analysis where we can determine IF a story could even be possible based on the laws of the Universe we live in.

To recap, this is what we have accomplished step-by-step:

  1. Determined the start and end points for both Karen's and 001's trips.
  2. Broken the trips into legs that can be used to isolate the overlapping areas.
  3. Used independent travel times from Google Maps to rebuild each trip from its terminus to it's origin.
  4. Listed locations for Karen an 001 at one minute intervals.
  5. Substituted actual clock times in for each interval.
  6. Juxtaposed the both timelines, creating one.
  7. Proved that it was possible for the overlaps to happen.
  8. Adjusted the timelines as a whole to reflect both Karen's story and the Grafton County Sheriff Records.
I think this allows us to safely deduce and conclude that Karen's story is at least possible.  Additionally, the data shows that while 001 could have responded to the scene according to the Sheriff's log timing, Karen's sighting would not be possible under these conditions.  Finally, if Karen is correct in her recollection, based on the dispatch time noted in the Sheriff Logs, 001 would have been at the scene much sooner than the time the logs report Smith arriving to the scene.

I urge you to come at me full force with any refutations of these methods or conclusions.  I am not looking to fight, but I am only one person with one brain so it is possible I did not see something or made a logical fault.  The best way to figure this out is to argue about it until any and all criticisms are solved and the record corrected.

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