Sunday, December 8, 2019

Introducing a New Timeline Tool for the Community

Video Explanation Below

If you have been reading any of this blog since its inception you will likely have detected one of my paramount themes:  Empowering internet investigators with non-biased information and tools that they themselves can use to make conclusions.  I am not pushing a narrative as I have stated many times in regards to Maura Murray's Disappearance and hope never to fall in that trap.

I am taking this on a methodical step-by-step as close to assumption free process as possible.  I chose to start with the 001/Witness A "problem" first because the discussion about this topic is so complicated and muddied with if/thens that I could not easily assess the claims even when remaining unbiased.

In the last few days I presented a minute-by-minute, side-by-side timeline of Karen's recollection vs. the physical location properties of a 001 if indeed it did make the trip.  I mentioned my findings and created a small explanation video a few days ago.  At the time I felt that it was the easiest least biased presentation of the likely scenarios.  My opinion changed somewhat after having a few discussions with other members of the community which really drove home the confusion still out there regarding average speeds, acceleration, precise and/or accurate travel times.  Basically still too much wiggle room to argue about one thing or another.

I am not suggesting that there is not truth to those concerns, and thus I set out to further refine the modeling so that we can further our discussion in mathematical facts.  Obviously we cannot use it to determine the choice or intent of the people we are modeling but we can get a very solid understanding of the physical properties of a choice.

To better our understanding of the situation I am proudly releasing my first interactive tool for community members.  I will be making a short video explanation very soon, but for those who want to get head start go here:

Timeline Tool

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