Sunday, January 12, 2020

Patreon Support

I am shifting my focus back to getting this knot of information untangled and organized for public consumption after my little foray into the world of theory presentation and defense.

I have decided to embark on a long venture of getting this data in a format for discussion that is easy, unified, and easily reference to facilitate online discussion of the case.

I am not trying to convince you to fund this -- If you want to help me out its fine, if not the content will remain the same.

I spend about 10-15 hours a week researching, analyzing, digitizing, organizing and reporting on data related to the Maura Murray Case.  I also occasionally investigate different angles to add to the body of knowledge.  I incur expenses to do so in addition to my time.  

I estimate this project will consume 12 - 18 months to complete.

I am sure this looks like I am trying to cash in on a missing persons case, and honestly I have no way to prove to you that I am not.  All I can say is that you can see the products I produce for consumption by the community at large and my goal is to create a usable body of information for people to reference in discussions.  Nothing comprehensive exists at this time that simplifies the content.

I plan to be accountable for any people that wish to help in a monetary fashion, however until this gets going I do not know exactly how to do so.

Become a Patron!

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