Monday, January 6, 2020

Maura Murray Timeline: Where are we going from here, January 2020

Video Below

My schedule is back to normal so I have gone ahead and set out to continue working on the timeline project.  Here is where we stand:

1.  Witness A/001: A Plausible Account was released that provided some of the mathematical framework to better understand the emergency response to Maura's crash.  2 accompanying animations were also released shortly thereafter followed by my reading on YouTube for those who may rely on audio information.

2.  The report was released on one of the smaller subreddits where 002 conspiracy theorists abounded.  This was by design -- for one, maybe I missed something and the report would need to be scrapped or corrected.  A second reason was to see what type of reaction the 002 people would come back with.  Sometimes defending your work results in the need for correction, but often it leads to new ideas, ways to present more effectively, and figuring out what areas need to be boned up on for the reader.

Initially I enjoyed talking about the issues with 002 people.  I patiently went through most posts line-by-line to explain whatever questions or criticisms people had.  There were plenty of people that did not agree with me, but only one person, who generally agreed with my sentiments in the report pointed out factual errors that I addressed and corrected.   Basically any meaningful dialog stopped as a result of the 002 folks being preemptively critical and reflexively critical.  By the end most had so far confused the math in the pursuit of proving this analysis wrong that there own version of events no longer worked.  I put out a blanket timeline challenge and thus far have not received anything.

3.  Trixy contacted me to pin the analysis to the main Maura Murray Sub.  This was a great opportunity for more criticism from folks that are not necessarily only interested in the Witness A/001 issue.

4.  The central tenet of the analysis is that the 7:46 arrival time is not accurate.  In the report, I stated that I believed it was due to it being the arrival time for the Atwood Call.  Since the release others have made other great reasoning.

5.  During this process I set out to find clarification about how the system worked for the dispatcher to input various times for the call.  I had located other police logs that shared the formatting and abbreviation of the ones from Maura's case.  I searched and inquired but the answer eluded me, but HugeRaspberry seems to have found the software company.  Contacts have been made to further clarify the system.  More to come in the future.

6.  This week I plan to reach out to the GCSD to attempt clarification about the system and time entry process/interpretation.

7.  Monaghan's report seemingly has issues with Dot and RO's timeline.  I will be working with fulk and swansong to get these stories in the standard timeline format.

8.  We see where the next set of timelines goes and hopefully verify whether or not the clerical aspect of the report is sound information.

I am going to do a commentary video probably tomorrow morning to discuss some of this in verbal detail.

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